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2021-04-02 08:44:12
Efficient cuisine

How to shop wisely at the grocery store when gifts are a drain on the budget

Par Annie Ferland – Science & Fourchette The holiday season can sometimes mean a (tighter) budget. To reduce the grocery bill and leave room for gifts, we can...
2021-04-02 08:31:27

Easily reduce food waste during the holidays

By Vicky Payeur

The holiday season is often synonymous with food waste. Between the various family meals, extended absences from home and huge portions o...
2021-04-02 08:13:17
Family life

Kit of supplements to offer as gifts

By Audrey Sckoropad

This year, why not give the gift of wellness to our loved ones, or at least contribute to their health by giving comprehensive suppl...
2020-02-13 10:06:23
Efficient cuisine

How to reduce the consumption of refined sugar in our diet

By Audrey Sckoropad It has become a common notion that refined sugar is not good for you. A lot of research shows that eliminating refined sugars from the di...
2019-11-05 11:31:21

The pegan diet... When opposites attract!

Is the pegan diet a new way of eating or just a passing trend? According to the internet, it’s becoming more and more popular and has gained a large following...
2019-10-03 00:00:47
Efficient cuisine

Hosting Guests Without the Stress!

Is it your turn to wine and dine guests this year? No worries! Throwing a party, without the stress, is possible! Simply prepare a few things in advance so you...
2019-08-05 13:08:11

Fats are back!

For a long time, fats have had quite a bad reputation. Recently, however, adherents of the ketogenic, or “keto,” diet have been holding fats in high esteem....
2019-05-13 11:12:45
Efficient cuisine

To Each Their Own Vegetarianism

Today, there are various types of plant-based diets. Some are adapted to those who simply want to reduce their consumption of animal proteins, while others are...
2019-04-16 00:32:57

Making strain-free plant milk at home!

Have you ever made your own plant “milk” at home? If so, you’ve probably gone to the grocery store to buy the famous cheesecloth, this small piece of fabr...
2019-04-16 00:08:57
Health and wellbeing

Home Lavender Face Mask

When I need to treat acne, I prefer white clay. It contains several minerals including zinc, calcium, potassium, iron, silicon and magnesium, making it a very i...
2019-03-31 19:56:57
Health and wellbeing

Introduction to aromatherapy: five basic essential oils to discover

Aromatic plants have distinct properties and have been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine to treat various illnesses. These plants are availabl...
2019-02-04 13:33:03
Efficient cuisine

Forget the Recipes — Let’s Talk About Building the Perfect Plate

What should your main dish actually look like? It’s a simple question, but once you figure it out, you’ll be one step ahead. In the ideal world, your plate...