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Summer is a wonderful time to enjoy the outdoors with your family. However, it also means sun exposure and mosquito bites. Natural and safe products are essential for protecting yourself and your loved ones while taking care of the planet. In this article, we will guide you through the cleanest ingredients and the best options available on the market.

Natural sunscreen

When choosing a sunscreen, focus on the active ingredients that protect against UVB and UVA rays as well as the inactive ingredients that make up the base. Choose products using mineral filters such as zinc oxide instead of chemical filters like oxybenzone and octinoxate, which are potentially harmful to human health and have been proven to damage marine ecosystems. Today, some brands have successfully created non-greasy, non-sticky sunscreen.

For inactive ingredients, look for products that are labelled as being free of parabens, sulfates and artificial fragrances. On the other hand, added ingredients like coconut oil, sweet almond oil and shea butter help moisturize and nourish your skin in the summer sun.

When applying sunscreen, it is important to reapply it every two hours or so and not to forget ears and lips. There are also lip balms with SPF. For an adult, roughly seven tablespoons of sunscreen are required for proper coverage.

Natural mosquito repellent

To prevent mosquito bites while avoiding strong chemicals such as DEET, natural mosquito repellents are a safe and effective alternative. Look for repellents that contain natural ingredients such as lemongrass, eucalyptus, lavender, or geranium essential oils. These ingredients have mosquito-repellent properties and smell great too!

Natural insect repellents are usually come in sprays or lotions. Be sure to apply generously to exposed skin before going outdoors, especially in the early morning and late morning when mosquitoes are most active.

Just like with sunscreen, make sure inactive or nonmedicinal ingredients are natural and free of parabens or phenoxyethanol, preservatives that are considered harmful to the environment.

When comparing sunscreen and natural mosquito repellents with their conventional counterparts, natural products stand out for the many advantages they offer. Not only are they gentler on skin and less likely to cause allergic reactions, they are also more environmentally friendly.

When you choose natural products to protect your family from the sun and mosquitoes, you’re making a conscious choice both for your health and for the planet. Choose brands that focus on high-quality, sustainable and environmentally friendly ingredients.

Have a great summer!

Emma Lecky and Catherine Turnbull, ÉESNQ graduates in Naturopathy

Ecole d’enseignement supérieur de naturopathie du Québec

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