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Summer is in the air, and with the excitement of outdoor holidays and adventures! Whether your kids are having fun at day camps, on camping adventures, or simply enjoying time in the garden, a well-stocked natural remedy kit is essential to being prepared for unexpected challenges during the summer season. Being prepared will allow you to make the most of your holidays and not get caught off guard.

You can prepare your natural remedy kit by purchasing items from your local health food store or by using ingredients available at home. Here are some practical tips:

Cuts: Quickly and effectively treat cuts by first cleaning the wound with soapy water and then applying a diluted blend of tea tree and spike lavender essential oil to prevent infection. Applying unpasteurized raw honey to the cut helps with healing by regenerating skin cells. Its osmotic action captures moisture from the wound, which speeds up healing while reducing the risk of infection thanks to its antibacterial properties.

Bruises and sprains: Children sometimes hurt themselves while playing outside and return home with bruises or sprains. Applying a cold compress reduces inflammation and temporarily relieves pain. An arnica-based cream or gel can then be applied to the sore area to ease discomfort. You can also use a maceration made with camphor oil to relieve topical inflammation and increase circulation around the affected area, reducing edema, bruises and muscle pain.

Itching of any kind: Flies and mosquitoes can ruin an evening outdoors, especially when you end up covered in bites. Applying spike lavender essential oil diluted in aloe vera gel can soothe itching and reduce inflammation. Plantain balm is also very effective for soothing bites and itchiness, including from nettles. Plantain reduces inflammation thanks to the noscapine it contains, which has antihistamine properties.

In a pinch, some people get relief by applying white vinegar! It can effectively relieve the itching caused by mosquito bites.

Wasp stings: For wasp or bee stings, carefully remove the dart using tweezers, if possible. Use a cold compress to reduce inflammation, followed by calendula ointment to ease pain and promote healing. Ready-to-use clay is also a useful remedy as it can quickly reduce inflammation. Simply apply a small ball of fresh clay to the sting and wrap it with fabric to keep it in place for at least an hour. This cataplasm can be reapplied as often as necessary to relieve pain and can be used in rotation with calendula ointment.

With these simple tips and natural remedies, you can feel confident and be prepared for any minor inconveniences that might arise during your summer vacation. By knowing what to do and being prepared, you can enjoy every moment of your holidays!

Jade Marcoux, Naturopath and EESNQ graduate

École d’enseignement supérieur de naturopathie du Québec

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