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Once again this summer, Rachelle Béry grocery stores are proud to offer their customers fresh harvests from organic farms.

Supporting local producers and promoting short circuits between farms and consumers, this partnership benefits both the local economy and the environment, in addition to offering optimal freshness.

In line with Rachelle Béry’s values, this partnership allows you to put organic food in your basket, supporting dynamic local companies that constantly strive to provide high-quality products, a gesture with multiple benefits. For instance, by consuming these local organic products, you reduce your carbon footprint, support sustainable development, and contribute to the collective wealth. Rachelle Béry wants to thank its clients for taking part in this transformative initiative!

And now, allow us to introduce our two partner farms and the reasons that led them to turn to 100% organic agriculture.

Ferme aux Pleines Saveurs: small baskets with a big impact

Since 2002, Ferme aux Pleines Saveurs has been growing a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, and herbs on its 55 acres in Saint-André-Avellin, in the Outaouais region. The owners knew from the start that they wanted to adopt an organic approach, even though they knew that organic farming would come with its fair share of challenges.

“At the time, organic food was not as popular as it is today . . . and the methods were not as advanced. We knew we would have to work hard, educating people on all the benefits of organic farming, and then carving out a place for ourselves among traditional agriculture,” says Chantale Vaillancourt, co-owner of the farm.

Having both been raised on their respective family farms, Chantale and her husband, Martin Turcot, were already familiar with traditional agriculture, but their environmental values led them to obtain organic certification from Québec-Vrai.

Ferme aux Pleines Saveurs: small baskets with a big impact

“This means, among other things, that we use GMO-free seeds that have not been treated with chemicals, as well as natural fertilizers and pesticides,” explains Chantale.

Over the years, consumer demand has motivated the farm’s owners to significantly increase their annual production. Chantale is still surprised at how far they’ve come: “In the first year, we were able to assemble 75 organic baskets every week during the season, whereas in 2017, it was more like 500 baskets per week. Today, we even supply some Rachelle Béry branches in Montreal. It’s incredible!”

The farmer admits that she has never been so on the lookout for food trends as she has been since the birth of this partnership with Rachelle Béry. “With a presence in grocery stores, it’s easier for us to know the most popular products and thus adjust our offer,” notes the woman, who also appreciates the unparalleled visibility this collaboration provides her business.

Ferme de la berceuse: focusing on food quality for 26 years

At Ferme de la berceuse, nestled in the small town of Wickham, in the Centre-du-Québec region, Robin Fortin spends very little time just rocking on his porch.

In fact, this farmer spends most of his time in the fields, growing more than 40 certified-organic vegetables as well as fruits (including his wonderful raspberries) and herbs. He’s now in his 26th year of production.

“I have always believed not only in the many benefits of organic farming, but also in its necessity. For me, it was out of the question to embark on this adventure any other way,” says the hardworking farmer.

With his cold frame and heated greenhouses, as well as the large tunnels that add a few degrees (which make all the difference) to the covered area, Robin can extend the season by several months. “We can start as early as the beginning of March and finish as late as November,” he says.

Ferme de la berceuse: focusing on food quality for 26 years

In this way, the farm prepares organic baskets for 300 families in the region, in addition to supplying 7 CHSLDs and CHU Sainte-Justine. Not to mention 5 Rachelle Béry grocery stores in Montreal, where their harvests have been on the shelves for several months now.

“I am immensely grateful to Rachelle Béry, because the chain makes a host of local organic products accessible to as many people as possible. We feel, by the same token, their full support for local producers,” he says. A support that can be savoured through the quality and freshness of the vegetables and fruits grown by the farm!