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Green goddess soup

very easy
Prep Time
10 mins
Total Time
8 mins


By Audrey Sckoropad

As much as I enjoy green smoothies in the morning, my body craves them less when it’s cold outside. On fall and winter mornings, I prefer to drink turmeric golden milk or chai spice herbal tea. However, taking a break from green smoothies doesn’t mean you have to stop consuming the nutrients they contain. Today’s recipe is a soup full of ingredients that are rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, protein, zinc and fibre. It’s the perfect blend to boost your immune system and fight off colds.

You can whip up this recipe in no time, since it only has three steps. I use my Vitamix, but any blender will do. After blending, the soup is heated over low heat to preserve its enzymes and nutrients.


3 cups
baby spinach or a mixture of leafy greens (kale, spinach, lettuce, etc.)
clove garlic
small piece fresh ginger about
¼ tsp.
ground turmeric
¼ tsp.
1 cup
1 tbsp.
brown miso
¼ cup
raw pumpkin seeds
½ cup
coconut milk
Salt and pepper
½ tbsp.
lemon juice


Step 1
Purée all ingredients in the blender. In a small saucepan, heat soup for a few minutes on low.
Step 2


  • A few steamed broccoli florets
  • A pinch of chia seeds
  • A sprinkle of nutritional yeast
Step 3
Serve soup in a bowl with the suggested garnishes or whichever toppings your prefer.